Sunday, October 21, 2007


Oh goodness. Boy has this been a long weekend. I have all 4 asleep and I can breathe. It was all I could do to make it through the whole bedtime routine. Jay was gone at a meeting. I got Tucker down to sleep while Luke read to me. Then it was time to give everyone their individual attention. I felt like I was holding myself to the bed, and saying over and over in my mind, be patient, listen to what they are saying. Be patient.
I feel less than patient right now. I am glad that its the end of the day. I am thankful that my visiting teachers brought over dinner. I told them I really did not need it. ( we were supposed to go over to her house as a family for dinner, but we canceled because of the sick kiddos) But I was so glad when they showed up with dinner. AHHHHHH I am so glad its night.
I can breathe.

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