Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Birthday's! 40 & 41

Last year Jay turned 40.  I had the idea to get 40 letters from people he knew sharing stories, memories, things they remembered over the last 40 years. The idea was to put them all in a book divided into decades of his life. I ended up with well over 40 notes. It was the best idea.

The even better idea? Having him read them out loud to his children. The laughter and tears! Everyone needs a book like this! Seriously. If you are trying to come up with something for someone who doesn't need another thing- or someone that could use a boost? This is the gift!

I had another surprise. I was pretty proud of myself. Two surprises that I didn't share! (I have the hardest time keeping surprises a surprise!) Jay kept mentioning over and over how he really wanted to go see Ben Folds. He mentioned several times how he had almost bought tickets. I kept praying that he wouldn't because I had already bought them.

It was such a fantastic show! So much fun to have something to look forward to and keep celebrating Jay's birthday a month later.

Well for his 41st birthday I couldn't really top a book and Ben Folds. But I did surprise him with something he had wanted for a long time.


Besides the cake I took him out for an afternoon of olive oil and vinegar tasting in Edmond. There is this great store Teaoli, that lets you sample, and sample and sample to your hearts delight.


The gal that helped us was awesome at paring the vinegars and olive oils. Flavors that I never would have thought of. Like fig vinegar and butter olive oil together.


Some of our favorite balsamic vinegars were strawberry, fig, peach, & traditional.
Favorite olive oils were butter, tuscan herb, garlic & Herb De Provence.  


We ended up picking out Butter & Tuscan olive oils and Fig Balsamic vinegar. 
So not a night out with Ben Folds but a great way to spend your 41st birthday on a rainy Saturday!

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