Thursday, January 10, 2008

Today we are proud

At the beginning of the school year, the oldest 2 were so concerned about Luke going to pre-k.
AND not for the reasons you might think.

They were worried for themselves.

At separate times they confided their concerns. They worried about what would happen if Luke yelled at the teacher. They worried about Luke yelling at other kids. They worried about Luke running away. They both worried about the big what if....what if Luke had to go to the principals office.
We did our best to calm their fears, and let them know, that they did not have to fix it, nor was it a reflection of them, nor would it change how anybody felt about them.

Their individual reputations would stay intact.

But as the parents we did worry. The concerns we had. The prayers that were said.

And today was progress report day.
I have been waiting for this report.

What a blessing of a day. All 3 were fine. Nothing to report.
All satisfactory.
As I had all the kids in the car I was making a big deal to the kids about how wonderful it was...and how great they all did. I made an especially big deal, for Luke, saying how good he did at going to centers, and how good he did obeying, how good he did with others etc.
Savanna smugly said.... "hmmmm I wonder where he learned that if she was the great example and teacher.."
And Luke without missing a beat says "my teacher, Mrs.Cox."

So we can't take credit for the good...does that mean we won't be blamed for the bad?

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