I am sure there are other ways to contain things in the car. AND I think that "they"even make something that fits right in there.
I came upon this idea 2 years ago at the beginning of the school year. It was the beginning of spending more time in the car. Jack was starting Kindergarten that year, and I was picking up a friends daughter.
I had calendars, grocery lists, coupons, maps, lotion, garage door opener, sunglasses, kids pencils and pens, a scripture set for the car, a mini medical kit, etc ... etc ... All just kind of floating around the car.
I would try and put them in a semi-permanent spot and as soon as I would have to slow down fast ... it would go all over the place.
I was headed into Walmart for storage bins for all the cups and plastic plates in our house, and was wondering what I might find in the way of vehicle organizer. I looked into the car next to mine and this is what I saw!
I was so excited to have a solution. I thought it was a perfectly good solution for me. Cheap, easy and it would serve me well.
I usually stack under the top basket, our scripture set for the car. On top of that is a zip pouch with the mini medical kit (band aids, hand sanitizer, deodorant, toothpaste, floss, etc.)
The little basket on top holds a zip pouch (with pens pencils, tweezers (for getting that stray hair at a stoplight) - and my sunglasses, cell phone and garage door opener.
The rest of the big basket holds whatever else I need in the car at the moment. A bag full of lotions ... not just one but about four ... I need choices. A kleenex box, a bottle of fresh room spray and wipes for the car.
Next to the big basket I have a large road atlas, the coupon folder and the sign with Luke's name on it which I put in the windshield when I pick him up.
In front of the basket is a little built in holder that has a little bag in it.
So thats it.
Hope that helps, April :)
You are so organized it amazes me. You should market this.
you have the greatest ideas and the cleanest car!
Thank you!!! Donna was trying to explain it, but the pictures are so much easier to understand. heehee I guess that I am a more visual learner. :) I love that you need choices for your lotions!
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