I am thankful that going to get Luke's ear tubes (his 4th set) felt like one more thing to check off our to do list- that it did not consume our whole day- that he went into things so willingly and happy.

And I am thankful that our company came so much later than anticipated. It allowed me that much longer to get home from Luke's surgery, and finish cleaning house.
Blessing a day 16-November 27th
I am thankful to have family visiting and helpers in the kitchen- and that we bought a pre-smoked pre-cooked turkey.

Blessing a day 17-November 28th
I am thankful to have had a LONG lunch date with Jay, and his brother and sister-in-law Paul & Mary.

It was wonderful to be with Jay without the kids, and so fun to be with Paul and Mary.

Blessing a day 18- November 29th
I am thankful that our kids got to spend time with their Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle and Aunt. That they came to our house. That the kids rode bikes with them, read, and played games with them. That they got to open their Christmas presents in front of them. That we did not wait-

Blessing a day 19- November 30th
I am thankful that this was the scene I awoke to-

All the kids in one room playing together with their new toys from Grandma and Grandpa. Wishing that they were still here.
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