Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday thoughts

I decided to take my notes from last night and put them into wordle- I already had an idea of what words would jump out the largest-
the top 10


other thoughts-
There will be storms.
God sends rains to all. Even if we are faithful we sometimes will get wet. 
Each of us needs the Lord's spirit to guide us in all that we do.
Speak with Father in Heaven daily.
Trust and follow promptings.


Kristie said...

OK, I had never heard of wordle until you posted this --- I just spent half an hour there playing .... (that site could be a serious time-waster for me!) My problem, though, is I can't figure out how to save the image. I tried copying as a screen shot and pasting into a word processing document, but then I can't open in Photoshop to re-size ..... how do you save it as a jpeg, or convert it to jpeg? I've read the faq; searched for the answer .... it's like this baffling puzzle that I MUST FIGURE OUT!!! :)

vgsmom said...

I'm not going to try figure it out. I think I'll just enjoy your reflection.

Alisa said...

ok- I will have to work on this tomorrow- I had planed to post the image- I saved it as something, but could not load the image to my blog.
So then Jay said he would help me- but I missed my window of opportunity- he fell asleep! (we are tired from our weekend of dating!)
I love Wordle- its fun to see what comes up on your blog-
Its what we used to do our Christmas card.
I will have Jay try and help me tomorrow- then maybe I can help you. No skip that- I will just have Jay help you!