Our Easter was memorable- We did the things we normally do to celebrate Easter, and added some new things. Some things went just fine, and others didn't go so well.
This (and the following instructions on her blog) is what one of our added things was supposed to look like. But instead it grew mold. I didn't even bother with the pictures of that.
I tested gravity to make sure all laws still applied.
They do.
This is a resurrection cookie that we make every year. I had a hard time finding the recipe. So I got off to a rough start. I added everything in the wrong order- and started mixing at the wrong time. But after the kids went up stairs I did a quick re-do of the dough and we put them in the oven overnight just like we were supposed to.
The idea is that in the morning when you open the oven, the tomb- the cookies are supposed to be hollow, empty inside. But not this year!
So after that- we all just laughed and finished our Easter prep ... our family was speaking and doing some of the music in Sacrament meeting. I don't think I have ever been so thankful for late 2:00 church. We enjoyed a simple Easter brunch with my Mom and then finished our preparations.
Savanna sang All Creatures of Our God and King and it was beautiful. I don't say that just because I am her mother. It really was beautiful. I just sat and took it all in- afraid to blink or shed a tear for fear I would miss a note.
Jack gave a most heartfelt talk and testimony about Christ. I love that he took it so seriously and had it prepared a head of time. I am thankful for his devotion.
Luke played his own version of As I have loved You on the piano. He sat down that week and taught himself by ear chords to go along with the melody in his mind. I am thankful he agreed to play and when it was time he willingly got up and played.
And Tucker helped by being semi-reverent. He sat part of the time down in the pews with my Mom, and part of the time with us up on the stand.
I cried through most of my talk- and Jay spoke with ease. We all felt relieved to have it over, but also very thankful to have been able to speak on Easter. We were asked a few weeks ago, and it gave us ample time to ponder what we felt like we needed to study and speak about.
We subbed out a traditional Easter dinner for simple appetizers. It was a great end to a beautiful day.
Your family looks so nice in their Easter best. Love the bow ties.
I haven't ever tried the resurrection cookies. I might have to add it to our traditions for next year.
I wish I could have been there - I'm sure your talks were great- you all look so amazing -
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