Sunday, May 6, 2012


Savanna is a part of her schools kayaking team. I think she even surprised herself that she joined!
She and her friends met at Lake Overholser at the boat house for practices.
She loved the practices but didn't always want to go. She quickly discovered that if she would just push herself to go she always came back energized/hyper and happy. (I just asked her about that paragraph and she said that was a pretty accurate description.)

Yesterday was the final race down on the Oklahoma River. Devon and Chesapeake both have awesome boathouses down on the river and it is fun to go watch any of the river races. There were kayaking, stand up boat races and rowing. Savanna competed against 9 other girls in the kayaking ocean sprint for 9th and 10th graders.

She came in 2nd place!
I loved yelling for her- and seeing her realize that she was doing well and how she gave it that extra push at the end.

I am happy that she tried something new- and that it ended up being something she really enjoyed doing.

This was her "fine Dad, I got my medal, see?!" after he yelled her name with a whoop and a holler!

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