Sunday, May 6, 2012

the pit

(Two weeks ago) Friday we had our first of 2012 firepit night. Last year we hardly used it. It was way too hot, and when it wasn't there was too much wind or we were under a burn ban! It felt like it had been a long time.

We had the kids invite friends over in shifts- which worked out well. The younger and the middle group got along great and we even were able to have a few cousins in the mix.

Jay was in charge of getting the fire started- and I wondered why he was taking a while to get outside and get it going- he reminded me that the starting of the fire was more fun for these kids than actually sitting around it.

He was right- they were all diligent in searching around the yard for stuff to burn and getting it all ready to go.

The older boys decided to make a zip line using rope and some handlebars. I had to just turn my head and not watch after seeing them do it.

I drew the line with Tucker and his friend.

 The boys actually got it to work, and I only heard one person fall.  Luke got the wind knocked out of him. It was only momentarily, so I guess it wasn't so bad of an activity.

I loved sitting out back and ignoring everything that "needed' to be done inside.


 And the s'mores were yummy (and messy) as usual.

As the boys friends left Savanna's friends arrived.

We had a fun 2nd round after dark- and all those photos were with my phone.

We did another firepit two nights ago- and I tried out something I saw on Pinterest.
Oreo cookie s'mores. It was yum. So yum. Way better than a plain S'more. A s'moreo is the way to go!

I love having the pit that Jay put in the backyard. I love how for now it brings the kids together- and for the most part they get along. I love that we have used it a few times again this year, and am hopeful for more before it gets too hot.

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