Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Last night we had a surprise swimming party for Jack-
Jack is our second child. He is number 2 and our first son.
We are so glad he is a part of our family!

Jack's birthday is in December. Last year we canceled plans for a party because of the ice storm.
We wanted to surprise him, and let him know how much we care for him. This party was not about presents, it was just about having fun and celebrating Jack.

We got to the pool a little after 6:30 (the pool closes at 7, but we had reserved it until 9,) and the kids got right to swimming. As the friends started showing up, Jack would be excited to see them and then say hey what are you doing here. But he would keep right on swimming.

At 7 the lifeguard blew the whistle for everyone else to leave the pool and I went up to Jack and told him it was time for everyone to leave. Then I said, "But guess what - we don't have to."

Then Savanna and 2 of her friends came in singing with signs saying "Happy Un-birthday." Following behind were even more of his friends.

I then said "It's a surprise party just for you Jack."

He was so happy!

It was fun to have a "Just Because" party.
It was fun to stay at the pool in the evening until dark.

It was fun to watch the kids swim.

It was fun to celebrate Jack!

Jack, we think you are awesome.
You are wonderful and we appreciate so much your honesty about everything in life.
We know that you get lumped in between the other kids, a lot, but we know who you are.
We know what you like.
We know what you don't like.
We know the good things that you do.
We know about how patient you are with your siblings.
We know that you have a great mind.
We know about your incredible sensitivity.
We know about your goofiness.
We know that you have many talents.
We know that we are so glad you are our Jack!
Happy Un-birthday!


jarrleckie said...

Looks like it was WONDERFUL! What a great thing to do for Jack!

Jenn said...

What an incredible thing to do!

Anonymous said...

Let Jack know that we are sorry we had to miss it. Jack and I will always be "A TEAM".I love you Jack!