Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Blessing a Day-1

I am thankful for my calling at church. I get to lead the music in Primary- After Sacrament meeting I go sing with the Jr, primary, then go sing with the nursery, then go into Primary and sing with the Sr Primary. Then all the kids come back in together and we close with a few more songs.
I love leading it. The time FLY'S by. I love the challenge of coming up with new things for the kids. I am learning so much. At times it is a bit uncomfortable, not really having true "leading" experience. But I know enough to get by, and I love music so I just keep smiling and singing.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

This is one of those blessings that keeps on giving--it's one for you and it's one for the that will stay with them until they die. No one forgets Primary songs. What a good blessing.

Hillary said...

You are a gem. I think that is the one calling I would say no to. And you are thankful for it. I think the Lord knows I was not blessed with tone or tune or anything else that you need for teaching and leading music for kiddies.

I'm gonna steal your "Nov blessing" for my blog. It'll do me good.

vgsmom said...

I am so glad that this is going so well. I'm sure you are blessed and a blessing.